Enjoy fast tattoo removal results with minimal discomfort, thanks to our highly experienced technicians and cutting-edge technology. Get rid of those embarrassing tattoos that no longer reflect who you are today - without leaving scars or long-lasting damage.
Our commitment to delivering the highest quality laser tattoo removal service makes us the go-to choice in Brisbane. Call us now to book an appointment and start your journey towards fresher skin!
Quick and affordable tattoo removal
Tattoos are a means of expression and have been so for centuries. Laser is a widely accepted tool for tattoo removal, and the latest advent in Q-Switch technology has revolutionised the tattoo removal process by making it faster, less uncomfortable and increasingly effective with low downtimes.
How does our tattoo removal work?
Just like pigmentation treatments, the principle of laser tattoo removal is selective photothermolysis. This process allows the lasers to destroy a specific pigment in the skin by using a specific wavelength. The shattered pigment is then absorbed by the body’s lymphatic system, lightening the tattoo at each treatment.
What is involved in one of our tattoo removal sessions?
A few hours before your treatment, you may be required to have some pain killers to keep you comfortable during the procedure. You may request to use a numbing gel on the day or have your treatment done without one. Most patients do not require numbing, as the treatment is a very quick procedure and is relatively less painful when compared to older models of tattoo removal machines.
During treatment, a Q-switch laser pulse is scanned along the entire treatment area, breaking the ink into tiny fragments. After your prescribed number of treatments, you will notice the pigment in the tattoos will fade away, leaving a ghosting appearance of the original tattoo.
How many tattoo removal sessions do you need?
Depending on the type of tattoo (amateur or professional), colour of the ink and area of treatment; tattoo removal sessions can be as little as three sessions or as many as 10-15 sessions, spaced 4-8 weeks apart.
Amateur tattoos are more superficial and only require a few sessions to clear. Bright colours are not easily removed due to absorption limitations with the lasers, and areas such as feet and fingers that have a lower blood supply can take longer to clear the ink from your system.
A free consultation is the best way to ensure you receive the most optimal care and tailored information on how many sessions will be required – this allows us to set clear expectations for tattoo clearance depending on your goals. Post treatment care is a must for optimal results.
Does tattoo removal hurt?
Unfortunately, no method of removing a tattoo is pain-free. The deep-seated ink needs to be broken down into smaller fragments for the body to clear away, and this requires a lot of energy delivered in short pulses. Patients describe this as a sharp and prickly sensation or a rubber band snapping against the skin. A numbing gel is offered to keep you comfortable during the process should you wish.