While it’s inevitable, it needn’t be permanent. There are several anti-ageing treatments designed to strip back dead skin and encourage collagen production.At LLC Cosmetic Laser Clinics, we approach fine lines and wrinkles as a custom based treatment. Depending on the severity and intensity of the wrinkles a tailored approach is made which can often include cosmetic injectables, skin laser resurfacing, IPL, Pico laser, chemical peels, carbon laser facials and HIFU.
How does the custom treatment work for wrinkles and fine lines?
At LLC we offer both injectable and non-injectable options for wrinkle and line correction. The consultation process is slightly different for each option, however both are completely customized for the needs of our clients.

For the injectable route
The client will be required to book a free consult with our cosmetic nurse, this can be done on our website, over the phone or in person. The nurse will identify the needs of the client, provide all safety information and risks regarding the procedure to be undertaken and address any concerns the client may have. If the client wishes to proceed with the procedure, the client will then be booked in clinic for the procedure. Please note prior to commencing the procedure, all injectables must be prescribed by a licenced medical practitioner, which will need to be obtained prior to procedure commencement (The nurse will be able to advise and coordinate injectable scripting during the consult).

For the non-injectable route
Clients can book a free skin consult with our senior dermal clinician (either online, over the phone or in person). After the initial consultation, if the client would like to undergo the non-injectable route, they will be advised of an initial cleansing treatment program such as a hydrodermabrasion to soften the appearance of lines and wrinkles by exfoliation and boosting the skin’s hydration. This provides improved results for any of the corrective options available as they are then able to penetrate deeper.
Following this, the client may then be recommended treatment dependant on the depth, width and length of wrinkle/lines to be treated. The options available include Fractional CO2 resurfacing, IPL skin , rejuvenation, carbon laser facial/peel ,and or HIFU. Follow- up treatments using the Nd-Yag skin rejuvenation treatment, may also be recommended to further improve the clients outcome.

**Please Note
Any options recommended are specific to each client, with treatments tailored to provide the best possible aesthetic outcome for our clients.
- Fractional CO2 Skin Laser Resurfacing (see image below)
- Nd-Yag Laser Skin Rejuvenation
- HIFU (Skin tightening)
- HydrodermabrasionIPL Skin Rejuvenation